Thursday, August 30, 2012

The sign on the road

I didn't hesitate to jump in my car and run to his rescue. Aren't men suppose to run and rescue women? Well in this story, I was running to rescue him.

All I remember him telling me was that he was on US 1 and that he could see my last name on a sign, to my surprise, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "Riviera Drive."

I got to Riviera drive and he was sitting on the curve. I pulled up and he got in. I had no idea what to say, none the less what to ask? So many questions crossed my mind. The moment he got in the car he looked at me and said, "wow, you look amazing." I dared to ask what happened and he said that he had gone to dinner with his roommate and they had gotten into a fight and she had taken the car.

Yes, I said SHE.

Mark lived with a woman whom supposedly he had no relationship with, they just shared a home. Unfortunately, I believed him. I preferred to be naive in order to pretend he was my happiness.

As I headed to drop him off at his "shared" home, he continued to tell me how grateful he was that I came to him when he needed me the most. I really was not sure as to whether I  had once again made a mistake in my life in answering that phone call.

That night felt like it was eternal, only half an hour had gone by and I felt like I had driven for miles. I continued heading to the place I didn't want to go to, his home. As we started to get closer he asked me if I could do him a favor, he wanted me to take him to a hotel, he didn't want to go home.

At this point, all I could really do is either take him where he asked or go against him and take the chance of fighting. Under the circumstances I was in, I thought it was best for me to just take him where he wanted to go.

We arrived at the hotel, so I checked him in... When I went to leave him he told me he needed to tell me how he felt... I was scared, I didn't know what to expect with him anymore... I stayed and listened....

"Bianca, I don't know why this is happening, I don't know why you came into my life now, I don't know why I am getting these feelings, I don't know a lot of things in my life but the one thing I do know is that I've fallen for you, and there is nothing I can do to change that... I want to make this work...I need you in my life, you make me happy...."

After I listened to those words, I was speechless.

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