I woke up super early and actually tried to look nice for school. I straightened my hair, did my makeup, put on nice clothes, nice shoes....basically the works! I'm sure that at one point in our lives we all have dressed to impress, if not every day then at least one day.
When I arrived to school that morning, an extra hour early I might add, I walked to class and waited patiently for my new partner to walk in.... I waited and waited and waited and nothing. He was no where to be found, what a disappointment, "he's not coming." I turned and said to Lori. "At least you look nice, you should dress like this every day not like a little boy with your big shirts, jeans and sneakers," Lori said.
"OK guys, I'm going to demonstrate how to open your gas valves and how to spark a fire...", the professor explained. As she was in the middle of the demonstration, the door opened and there came in the guy I had been waiting for. (talk about wanting to make an entrance, in my head I saw fog around him, the lights dim, he had a glow around his face, it was almost like seeing Brad Pitt walk into the room) (OK, OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit :)) but point is he looked gorgeous!
He stood next to me and all I could do what stand still as if my knee caps had locked. I'm not even sure if i was breathing, "everyone open your valves and check to see if they work," said the professor. "Do you know how to open the valves?" he asked. I didn't even speak, he must of thought I was mute, "how embarrassing, what is wrong with me," that's all that scrambled through my head.
I showed him how to open it and turned my back and continued speaking to Lori as if he wasn't even near me. ( I know what you must be thinking, why in the world was I giving him the cold shoulder, trust me, I have no idea).
Because of my lack of attention to the professor, I failed to hear her say that we needed to close our valves again. Well, you can just imagine what happened next. The professor told us to spark up a fire and she demonstrated how, as I tried to figure out how to use my gadget, I heard Mark ask, "doesn't it smell like gas?" Just as I went to spark my fire, he grabbed my hand and yelled, "wait!" I obviously had left my gas open and almost caused the first explosion at my college! That would have definitely been the last time I spoke to him, since we all would have caught on fire....
BUT fortunately this caused Lori, her bf , mark and I to laugh and actually have a conversation! At the end of that lab, Mark asked me if I was understanding the homework assignments and I told him yes, so I offered to help him out if he wanted, he said YES! (whoot whoot) He asked me for my number and I of course gave it to him because it was only school related (jk).
I had never walked out of a chemistry lab so happy in my life, everyone walked out super exhausted and miserable and then there was me with a big smile from ear to ear, talking like a chatter box. Lori walked with me to my car and I told her that he asked me for my number.
That afternoon as I was driving home, stuck in the usual traffic on the palmetto expressway, I got a text message that said, "hey."
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